R&D services: Research and development

We specialize in custom software and hardware development. We place a strong emphasis on quality and a personalized approach to each project.

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What we offer

Our specialization lies in the development of electronic devices. From battery-powered sensors to devices in the domain of functional safety applications. We also offer custom development of mobile, desktop and web applications tailored to the specific needs of our clients.

In the hardware development, we offer comprehensive services – from design to final production. We assist with creating electronic schematics, designing printed circuit boards and handling prototype manufacturing and testing. We can also manage small-scale and mass production, including automated testing.

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Benefits for our clients
We have experience
Our team of technical experts leverages their know-how to deliver fast and high-quality development, saving our clients both time and money.
We are flexible
We provide our clients with flexibility and expertise. Whether you need to solve a specific part of a project or are looking for a comprehensive turnkey solution.
We design custom solutions
We offer complete services, from prototype development to design for mass production, including the design of manufacturing tests and fixtures. We can also manage production if needed.
We develop in Europe
All development for our customers is carried out in Europe, ensuring high standards and delivering quality products.
Our converters
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I will be happy to discuss everything with you.
Radim Malinowski
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